Disgusting find at a follow-up visit by the NSPCA at Jan Steinmanns Farm

Disgusting find at a follow-up visit by the NSPCA at Jan Steinmanns Farm

NSPCA at Jan Steinmanns Farm – Update 6. August 2019

In another IOL article, more gruesome pictures came up.
“However, Dr Caldwell believes that the cubs were taken away from their mothers too early and suffered nutritional deficiencies, which compromised their immune system.This is a standard procedure at all Lion/Predator breeding facilities to bring the female back into oestrus to ensure she produces more cubs as soon as possible. This procedure is not only standard at the 300+ breeding-for-bone-sales facilities but also the hundreds of petting and walking scam roadside zoos and Scamtuaries.

Dead Lion Cub at Jan Steinmanns Farm

“Dr Ras fears that this is not an isolated case and that many other cubs may suffer the same fate on some 300+ lion breeding farms around the country. At least one-third of these facilities breed lions for the lion bone trade. ” We are sure that this is not an isolated case. We rather believe that one-third is underestimated and that many more breed for the Lion bone trade.

Dead Lion Cubs in a freezer at Jan Steinmanns Farm

“With the increasing profit-driven commodification of lion products, especially when all the breeder needs is the lion’s skeleton, there is no incentive to keep these animals healthy”, says Linda Park (Director – Voice4Lions). “In an attempt to maximise profit, it is inevitable that even the most basic needs, such as adequate food and shelter as well as medical care, are lacking.” The increasing profit-driven commodification of Lion products is the second biggest threat (after habitat loss) for the remaining 20.000 Lions.


The NSPCA is the only organisation in South Africa that has the power to conduct searches at these breeding facilities. PLEASE support them. Thank You


Follow Up Investigation

23. July 2019 – NSPCA at Jan Steinmanns Farm: Inspectors from the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) Wildlife Protection Unit carried out a follow-up inspection at a lion breeding farm in Lichtenburg in the North West Province and found disturbing conditions – again, lion cubs were found to be in devastating physical condition.

In April 2019, the NSPCA’s Wildlife Protection Unit attended a complaint at the same farm in Lichtenburg, where they found lions being kept in appalling conditions.

The NSPCA issued a warning and laid charges against the owner and the staff in terms of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962.

In July 2019, the NSPCA undertook a follow-up inspection at the same facility

The Inspectors obtained a warrant and found minimal improvement in the conditions on this farm. A lion cub was found dead and stored in a cold room. Two more lion cubs were found concealed in a crate in a warehouse. They showed similar symptoms to the two cubs that were removed in April. The facility’s veterinarian euthanased the two cubs. Two carcasses were removed for post-mortem examinations.


Further investigation

The NSPCA found a freezer at Jam Steinmann’s farm with approximately 20 carcasses of lion and tiger. The NSPCA removed five carcasses for post-mortem examinations. They determine the cause of death. The NSPCA will lay further charges regarding the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962.

“With the release of The Lion King, the rest of the world is celebrating these majestic creatures. Here in South Africa, our lions are indigenous and a massive part of our heritage. We condemn thousands of lions to captivity, where their basic needs are not being catered for. We subjected the king of the animal kingdom to a pathetic life in a cage, waiting for death.”

The trade of wild animals opens the door to abhorrent cruelty, whether it be intentional or negligent. Where there are money and animals involved, there is bound to be cruelty.

Blood Lion’s statement

It appears the extent of cruelty and neglect has no boundaries within the predator breeding industry in South Africa. We strongly urge the public, tourism and government bodies to put a stop to this industry”

Let them hear your voice:
Hon.Minister Creecy of Environment – bcreecy@environment.gov.za
Head of Communications for Environment – Mr Albi Modise: amodise@environment.gov.za
SA Predators Association – sapaceo@sapredators.co.za

NSPCA at Jan Steinmanns Farm previous visit


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